Sunday, January 14, 2007

Mobile Web

I was having a play on my PDA the other day and I thought I'd have a look to see if websites geared up for mobiles/PDA were better the when I last checked.

I have to be honest and say that I was slightly disheartened by the lack of sites showing good quality content that was changing quick enough for me to bother having a look on the move.

I've previously written about Time Magazine developing a mobile friendly website and I was pleased to see that the BBC have followed suit with:

But after struggling to find any good sites I went to the place where all search marketers begin... yes Google! Google have launched Google Mobile Services.

As you can see from the layout of the search engine it has been stripped to purely functional elements with a new option for Mobile Web (Beta).

I'm undecided by its usage at the moment but as I look around at the new mobiles for sale today, its clear that the devices to support mobile web are selling everywhere and its not going to be long before companies are going to have to take their 'Mobile Web Presence' seriously.

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Blogger Miss Emily said...

I got a new phone a few months back and got all excited at the prospect of using it to go on the internet, but alas I was disapointed. The only thing I have found it useful for is using wikipedia to cheat in pub quizzes. Hopefully people will put more effort in to mobile internet stuff in future.

10:23 PM  

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