Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The Battle of the Browsers

Well its a week of Internet browser launches. Microsoft launch its much awaited Internet Explorer 7 last week and hot on their heels is Mozila with its latest release of Firefox 2.0.

I haven't actually tested either of these browsers yet but from the outlook they seem to have taken the middle ground and developed many of the same features:
  • RSS Feeds
  • Tabbed Browsing
  • Improved Security Features (anti-phishing)
  • Print Previews
One feature that really stood out for me in the new Firefox release is the introduction of a spell checker. It claims to spell check anything typed into your browser; including webmail and even when blogging!

If anybody has had chance to test these new browsers I'd be interested to know what you thought about them.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

It Could Be You!

No, this isn't a post on the national lottery (otherwise I'd probably have titled this post "It probably won't be you!")

As you may have realised by recent posts, work is going very well. It’s going so well in fact that PushON and Virtuaffinity are looking for new staff. There are some exciting work opportunities available the right applicants to work for one of North West's leading Web Design or Search Marketing Agencies.

If you think that could be you then check out the following:

Online Marketing Business Development Consultant or
Web Designer / Developer

Good Luck!!

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

PushOn gets a facelift...

The PushOn website has had a bit of a facelift. The boys over at Virtuaffinity have been working hard to give the site a new look.

The facelifted site is boasting a load of new Online Marketing Articles too so drop by and let the guys know what you think of the changes.

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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Free Web Word Processor for your Blog

I've just created this post testing out WriteToMyBlog.com ... A new tool that allows you to write blog posts in rich text format, with LOADS of functionality and post them to your blog. I've had a quick look over it and I really like it. I can see me recommending this to a few of our clients. It even has a tag creator built in, Simon will be pleased!

Monday, October 02, 2006

The PageRank Guessing Game...

Well I'm not sure if its just me but I seem to have got a PageRank of 3... Thats not bad for only 36 post work!
As Google put it:
PageRank is a function of Google that measures the quality of a website on a scale of 0 to10. The theory is that high quality sites receive a higher PageRank based on visitors and traffic your site receives. PageRank is a “vote”, by all the other pages on the internet.

For more information on PageRank try checking out the Google Technology Page.
