Monday, September 18, 2006
Kintish is being 'Pushed Online'

Here at PushON we've been doing some work on Will Kintish's website, in an attempt to add to his online presence.
Will is an amazing networker and a highly professional speaker whose presentations are always enjoyable. He has a wealth of knowledge and is always more then willing to share his stories, anecdotes and advice.
Well, we've just made it easier for Will to do just that, by adding a Free Networking Articles section to his site. It's packed with plenty of sound advice from the Guru himself.
As if that wasn't enough, there's always Will's Business Networking Blog to look at. Drop by and let him know what you think.
Defining Web 2.0
There has been some discussion over a solid definition of web 2.0 that anyone can agree with. But finally the guys at Information Week have come up with a definition that could catch on:
Web 2.0 is all the Web sites out there that get their value from the actions of users.So what do you think of Web 2.0? Will this diffinition catch on or will we be constantly be battling for an answer? Guess that’s what happens when you consider Web 2.0 is all about participation.
Here are some good examples:
Wikipedia: An online encyclopaedia written and edited (and re-edited and re-edited) by its users.
Digg: A social bookmarking site where users post story links and vote for, or "digg," stories posted by others. Those with the most votes make it to the home page, so visitors to that page see only the most popular stories.
Technorati: A blog search engine that ranks blogs according to how many other blogs link to them.
Flickr A site where anyone can post and share pictures, which can be browsed by anyone else with help from popularity rankings.
Frappr: A mash-up, or combination of two sources of data, that lets you show the locations of the members of any group on a Google Maps map.
Social Media Directory is a new directory of social sites that have been branded "Web 2.0″. Services include MySpace, Digg, Meebo, StumbleUpon, Facebook, YouTube and many more.
The site is a mosaic of brands and logo images that are instantly recognisable as the web giants that now steer much of the social community. The site allows you to search companies, sort them and filter them by appropriate tags.

It’s a nice directory that shows just how many of these sites can be found on the internet. The real question is, how many will survive?
Saturday, September 16, 2006
A New SMO Discovery

I've spent some time playing around with this week, as an attempt to continually improve the online presence of some of our customers.
Squidoo is an online resource centre that allows individuals to create pages on their area of expertise and share them with the community.
I've been having a go at creating 'lenses' as they are known on the site for
Will Kintish - The Business Networking Guru
Restore Foam - Manchester's Leading Memory Foam Manufacturer.
Sites like these are growing everyday on the web and are starting to open up SEO into a whole new creative field - taking it away from its purely technical origins. SMO, or Social Media Optimisation, as it has become known in the online marketing world is starting to be hailed SEO 2.0 as it starts to take steps towards being the next level of Internet Marketing.
Link Building
We all know how valuable linkbuilding can be. Io was reading an Online Marketing blog today and came across the following links... These articles will change the way you linkbuild (hopefully for the better!)
Rand Fishkin presents his thoughts on why email is still king for link building.
Jim Boykin has a great post about the quality vs quantity issue with link building.
Eric Ward dispells a common myth about .edu links in his post: ".edu link fallacies dispelled".
Of course there’s Aaron Wall and Andy Hagan’s post from last month: "101 Ways to Build Link Popularity".
Monday, September 11, 2006
Browsing the Mobile Web

I'm starting to get use to the benefits of having a Pocket PC. I've been looking for some good sites that offer mobile browsing compatibility.
I was pleased to see that Time Magazine has rolled out a mobile version of its site that includes links to Time's blogs and its other content.
When sites are built well, using WC3 web standards, it helps users of portable devices access your products and services that much easier... it's worth the investment.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Xda - Pocket PC

Its finally arrived... I upgraded this week to the Xda Mini-S.
The Xda come's full with WiFi Internet and Windows Mobile® 5.0 allowing me to send and receive emails and download files. Its also makes accessing my emails, calendar, contacts on the move much easier!
I'm still getting use to the slide out QWERTY keyboard to check over my work on Microsoft Word and PowerPoint slide presentations but I'm getting there... who knows, I may even get use to blogging from it!!
Friday, September 08, 2006
A day at Tiger Tiger

Yesterday I enjoyed an afternoon of business networking at Manchester's Tiger Tiger. The even was hosted by Mark Greenwood's Networking4Business group.
It was a great opportunity to get out and meet people from a range of industries around Manchester and to enjoy chatting to them over a drink or two.
I don't profess to know that much about business networking, but I've found these 'business networking tips' really useful.